About Us

AU Library is the gateway to finding a wide-range of resources and services put together to support the learning, teaching and research needs of the University community. The library offers quality research services and resources, designed to meet the growing requirements of the University’s diverse academic programs.
Currently, AU has two libraries – namely the Males Library (Student Hub Building) and the Females Library (Students Hub Building) that serve AU students, faculty, staff and community users. Students and other users can use their iPads, laptops, smart phones or library computers to study and search the library wide selection of books, e-books, journals, and databases. The Libraries also provide discovery tools such as EDS, created to make the digital content more discoverable and easily accessible. A team of qualified Reference librarians is available to assist students and other users with their research.
Library collections include electronic resources of high-level scholarly works from the top international academic publishers in all disciplines. In addition to information resources, the Library provides a range of electronic services through a set of electronic forms on the Library homepage. These services include Ask-A-Librarian to answer reference questions online; Document Delivery to request articles and chapters not found in the Library’s collection; Request a Library Instruction Session by faculty for their students, request new books for purchase, and give feedback on library services and resources. Other electronic services include the mobile library application for use on mobile devices.
Principles of AU Library Collection Development and Management Policy 2017
Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Purpose and scope of document
- Principles of the Policy
- Budget
- Access
- AU Library
- Services
- Library rules and regulations
Executive Summary
(1). Introduction
1.1. Purpose and scope of document:
- The purpose of this document is to define the policies guiding the development and management of the AU’s print, digital and other library collections in the context of AU Library overall mission to support the University’s learning and research goals. Within this document collection development and collection management are treated as two distinct activities.
- Through collection development, AU Library aims to support the work of Ajman University by continuing to add to its collections and by providing access to information resources held or hosted elsewhere. Through collection management AU Library aims to make its resources available in the most appropriate and cost-effective way.
- The policy applies to all collections managed by AU Library, whether they are held in the Main Library or in the site libraries managed by the Library across the University.
- The section on Collection Development contains statements defining the University’s collection development principles, the nature of its collections, funding mechanisms and budgeting priorities, responsibilities and criteria for the selection of material, including deposits, donations and free materials (see Section 2 of the document).
- The section on Collection Management contains policy statements on acquisition and license agreements, resource discovery and access to the material, stock editing, retention and disposal, conservation, preservation and binding (see Section 3 of the document).
- The document also defines AU Library policies aimed at facilitating access for members of the University to collections held in other libraries across UAE (see Section 4 of the document).
- The document is for the benefit of all members of AU, including students, academics and staff, as well as the public at large. It will be available on AU web site under Library at:
- The policy will be reviewed, revised as appropriate and presented to University Administration.
1.2 Principles of the Policy: AU Library’ collection development policy consists of the following key principles:
- All information resources purchased from the Information Resource Funds are selected by the Colleges in coordination with the Library working closely with academic colleagues in their Colleges.
- Space utilization in the University Library and the balance of space given over to stock, and to service areas and study facilities will be kept under continuous review.
- Appropriate web-based electronic resources are the preferred medium, where they exist, through which to meet learning, teaching and research needs.
- Collection evaluation, stocktaking, withdrawal and disposal of stock will be carried out on a regular basis in consultation with Colleges.
- Library Services will move towards a zero net growth policy for printed collections whenever possible.
- AU Library will work in close collaboration with other information providers and agencies to provide access to remote collections.
- Location of physical collections will be determined by usage. Highest used material will be housed on open access and less used material stored in closed access.
- AU Library’ collection development and Management policy will meet all relevant statutory requirements such as, for example, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001.
1.3 Budget:
AU Library follows the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards published in June 2004. The Library Manager prepares, justifies and administers the library budget that is appropriate to the library's objectives. The budget is planned to meet the reasonable expectations of library users when balanced against other institutional needs. The library utilizes its financial resources efficiently and effectively. The library Manager has the authority to distribute funds and initiate expenditures within the library budget and in accordance with AU’s institutional policy. The budget supports appropriate levels of standing. The Library has a separate identifiable annual budget figure. The budget is fully assigned to the Library. The budget is allocated to the Library with accountability and responsibility vested in the Library Manager who can administer it more efficiently and thus enrich the library's collection and expand its resources. The Library is engaged in implementing a plan that will lead to a sound fiscal future. It will show the magnitude of responsive services the Library provide to the AU community in relation to level of funding it receives. The plan will also allocate money for library and staff development, which includes but not limited to workshops, conferences, as well as formal and informal training.
1.4 Access - Overview:
AU Library’s purpose is to provide resources and activities to support teaching and learning, scholarship and research at the University and to contribute to the general community.
1.4.1 Objective:
This Access policy aims to set out the goals and principles for accessing library resources and activities and to make explicit any requirements for that access. The aim is to provide as wide as possible access whilst respecting the legal and moral constraints of copyright and license agreements with publishers of scholarly content. The policy aims also to make explicit the goal of providing equitable access for people with disability, the University alumni and for the wider community regardless of gender, race or ethnicity, religion or belief.
1.4.2 Policy:
AU Library follows the ACRL Standards in that access to library resources is provided online in a timely and orderly fashion. Library collections and the catalog for accessing them are organized according to standards. A central catalog of library resources provides access for multiple concurrent users and clearly indicates all resources. Hours of physical access to the Library are reasonable and convenient for the two-genders and separate users. The hours are printed in this document (see page 19) and posted on its Web site. Reference and other special assistance are available at times when the Library is open. Onsite access to The Library is provided in a timely and orderly fashion. Non-print resources are accessible anytime anywhere. The Library and the catalog for accessing its resources are organized using the AACR2 and the LCC. Online access to the Library's OPAC and e-resources is encouraged. Students as well as faculty are trained on how to access these resources from their labs and offices.
AU Library provides services for the benefit of the University community including students, faculty, staff and researchers and where possible will make these resources freely available to the wider community.
AU Library will provide additional services including digitization, and a variety of output formats (e.g. audio and large print), to facilitate equitable access to content by people with disability.
The Library opening hours and physical accessibility will support convenient and free access by all members of the University community and where possible by the wider community.
The Library will work with the University Office of IT and its partners to ensure ease of online and remote access to e-resources via a Single-Sign-on authentication process.
The Library will also ensure that Lending processes and approvals can be accessed online and from remote locations using University identification and authentication processes.
AU Library will respect the intellectual property and copyright provisions of licensed content and promote the understanding and compliance of these constraints among its users.
1.5 AU Library:
AU library is housed in the second floor of the Student Hub building in Ajman University campus. The library is open to the entire UAE, Ajman, and Ajman university community.
1.5.1 Information Resources:
AU Library purchases materials for ownership and availability within the physical facility. Over the past few years, the library has allocated an increasing percentage of its information resources budget to acquire access to materials it does not own through vendors of electronic resources. Access is provided to AU community any time regardless of location. Collection assessment is defined as "an organized process for systematically analyzing and describing a library's collection. In the latest assessment study conducted in 2016, AU library examined major aspects pertinent to the collection and the resources.
- The number of books
- The number of periodicals.
- The new acquisitions rate.
- Cancellation rate.
1.5.2 Electronic Resources (ER):
AU Library subscribes to several electronic journals and books through online databases such as EBSCO Research Databases (including Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source, Medline Complete, and Academic Search Ultimate) Lexis 360, E-Book Central, ProQuest Central, Emerald Premier Journals, Scopus, Lexicomp, Access Pharmacy, ACM Digital Library, IEEE, East Laws, and most recently to the full collection of Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Collection. Library users can access these and other databases on the Web by using their assigned user ID and password. AU Library System is no different from other libraries that are allocating significant portions of their book budgets to acquire electronic resources. These may include full-text databases, numeric databases, network access, electronic journals and books, and multimedia resources. The selection process for these materials considers factors such as the size of the user group, the relative importance or uniqueness of the, materials, the ease of use and power of the search and retrieval software.
1.5.3 Facilities:
AU library houses print and non-print materials (e-resources) and all the different types of hardware needed for their use. AU Library seating capacity and media housing is sufficient. The internal design of AU libraries is flexible and modular to allow for expansion and rearrangement to accommodate the needs and requirements for collection housing and staff distribution throughout the library. Due to the rapid increase in print and electronic collections, AU Library has stalled compact shelving especially for certain types of materials like documents and journals. The AU Libraries' facilities are well planned, attractive and functional. They provide secure and adequate space helpful to study and research with suitable environmental conditions for its services, personnel, resources and collections. The library buildings provide well-planned, secure, and sufficient space to meet the immediate and perceived needs of staff and users.
1.5.4 AU Library’s Collection:
The library has built a balanced collection covering the entire spectrum of the AU teaching and research. It serves as a resource for students, staff, and faculty. The collection consists of books, references, periodicals, in both Arabic and English. The collection consists of resources in education; engineering sciences; humanities; social sciences; Law; pharmacology; management; dentistry; medicine; computer science; English language etc.
- Books are shelved in a classified order using the library of congress scheme.
- Current journals are alphabetically arranged in the display area.
- Reference collection consists of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, manual, atlases, bibliographies, biographies, and other sources in all disciplines. This collection is maintained in the reference area.
1.6 Services:
The library staff is available to assist students and faculty or other individuals or groups on using the library and its resources effectively.
1.6.1 Circulation Services:
Users must present a valid ID to the Circulation desk staff or when using a Self-Check workstation in order to check out a loan item.
a) AU students, faculty and staff: University ID
b) AUD University and CUCA students, faculty and staff: valid ID showing the ID number and/or barcode of their home institution.
c) UAE Community Users: Library Membership ID.
The circulation desk is responsible for all transactions related with borrowing and returning of books and periodicals, placing materials on reserve, recalling borrowed material, assessing fines et. Borrowing stops 30 minutes before closing time. Faculty members borrow 20 books per semester, postgraduate students borrow 20 books per semester; undergraduate students borrow 15 books per three weeks renewable for another three weeks, AU administrative staff borrow 05 books per 3 weeks renewable for another 3 weeks. Community users borrow 03 books per 3 weeks renewable for another 3 weeks. Renewals can be done over the phone, online or in person.
1.6.2 Reference Services:
Staff members at the reference desk inside the library on the second floor of the Student Hub help and provide instructions in the use of library’s resources. Readers with bibliographic inquiries are advised to consult reference desk staff who are available during the library opening hours. They can contact in person or by calling or e-mailing the library personnel for necessary assistance.
1.6.3 Photocopying:
AU libraries provide photocopying services that governed by Intellectual Property Law Regulations for print materials to all library users.
1.6.4 Security System:
The library buildings are equipped with a security system. An electronic RFID security system is in use to prevent the loss of library materials. If an item is taken out of the library without being properly circulated, the exit gate barer will lock and an audible alarm will be triggered. In this insistence, the patron is forced to go back to the circulation desk for proper check out.
1.7 Library rules and regulations:
- Please respect your study environment.
- Treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect.
- Always carry your University ID card as you need it to access the Library and its resources. Don't lend it to anyone.
- Keep your belongings with you at all times. You are responsible for keeping them safe.
- Choose the appropriate zone for your studies. You will be asked to move or leave if your behavior disturbs others.
1.7.1 Using Library resources:
- Only take resources out of the Library that you have borrowed. Remember to return or renew them on time to avoid fines.
- Treat Library property with respect. You will be charged for lost, stolen or damaged items.
- Remember the Library's online services are for academic use only and must not be used for any commercial purpose.
- Always follow copyright law and don't plagiarize.
1.7.2 Using IT Resources:
- Always log out when you leave a PC. Never share your network ID and password with anyone else.
- Don't view, send or download anything offensive.
- Keep yourself and others safe.
- Keep aisles, stairs and fire exits clear at all times.
- Don't move the library furniture. The layouts allow for social distancing and are wheelchair friendly.
1.7.3 Emergency evacuation procedures:
- If the fire alarm sounds, please leave the Library immediately by the nearest fire exit. Do not use the lifts.
- There are 'fire refuge' areas on every floor for people with mobility difficulties.
1.7.4 Further information:
- If you break any of these rules, action may be taken against you under the Student Code of Conduct.
Remember Library staff are here to help if you have any concerns.
Last reviewed: March 2021
Date of next review: August 2021