Finding Books

Finding Books
How do I find out what books are in the library?
- Search the new AU Library Stacks Bento Search!
- One search provides one-stop searching for books, eBooks, journal articles, and more.
- OR, use the Libraries' Catalog, Catalog Plus, or go to EBSCO Discovery Service to find & locate books.
Sign in using your AU email address & password in order to:
- Renew items.
- Request books from other libraries.
- Save searches and lists of items.
How to locate books in the Library?
Books that are owned by AU Library are included in the Libraries' Catalog. You can search by author, title, keyword, or subject. When you find the entry for the book you want, it will tell you which of the libraries have the book, where it is located in that library, and whether it is already checked out.
How do I figure out where a book is on the shelf?
A call number is used to identify the exact location of an item on the shelf.
Items with call number beginning with A-Z are located in the general circulating collection hall shelfs.
New books are located in the technical services hall shelfs.