Library FAQs

Library FAQs
- How many books may a student borrow?
A student may borrow 15 books. The loan period for books is 21-days; and the late fee for overdue books is fifty fills per day per book. Checked out materials may be renewed once (unless overdue).
- Can students check out reference books, reserves or textbooks?
Reference books, reserves, and textbooks may not be checked out. This collection is in library use only or overnight circulation unless faculty member gives permission stating otherwise. Students may make copies in conformity with UAE & AU copyright policy.
- Does the Library have any popular fiction?
Yes, the Library does have a section of popular fiction, but the overall collection focuses on academic materials.
- Are cell phones allowed in the Library?
Cell phones are allowed, but all cell phones should be set to silent. Please do not use your speaker phone when taking a phone call.
- Are students allowed to have food and drink in the Library?
- No food and drink (except plain water) are allowed in the library.
- Is the Library open during student breaks?
Yes, the Library is open during student breaks.
- Does the Library have any study rooms?
Yes, the has 5 study rooms and may be reserved (with sufficient notice) in the evening for study groups. Please note that two people do not count as a study group and that the Library reserves the right to use the room for library purposes even if the room has been reserved.
- Are there computers in the Library?
Yes, the Library has computers for student use. Students are free to use Facebook and YouTube, but they will be asked to move if another student needs the computer for research purposes. Headphones are required for listening to music or watching videos.
- What if research leads the student to items at other libraries?
If the Library does not have a book a student needs, the student can arrange to borrow the book from another library using Document Delivery Service (DDS) and Inter Library Loan (ILL) services. Librarians and staff are happy to answer any questions about DDS and ILL.
- Can students use the Library’s e-books from home?
Yes, to gain remote access to e-books found in the Library’s catalog, you will need to use your USER ID (Student number) and PASSWORD (Is the password given to you by the IT office to use your university email, unless you change it yourself). If the user ID or the Password do not work, let someone in the Library know.
- What is the Library of Congress classification?
The Library of Congress subject heading system of classification is a system used for categorizing books by subject. Details of the system can be found by visiting “Library of Congress Classification Outline -” (courtesy of the Library of Congress).
Information on finding books on the shelves using the system can be found by visiting “Library Services Catalog – Finding Books Section”.
Copyright in PowerPoint Presentations *
- Can I use images from the web in PowerPoint presentations?
Yes, provided that:
- You have obtained the work legally and have abided by normal copyright rules (e.g. 10% or 1 chapter from a book, etc.)
- You cannot get a separately published version of the image ‘at a reasonable price in reasonable time’. (In practice this applies to the majority of images posted on the web.)
- The images have been posted on the web by the legitimate copyright owner.
- You have not altered or made changes to the image (If you want to make changes to the images then you will need to either request permission or look for images that are posted under licenses that allow derivative works.
- The work is for educational use only (i.e. they have an educational purpose and are not just to make the PPT look more attractive. Use Public Domain works for prettying up your PPT).
- You have acknowledged the source of the work, whether or not the material is in the public domain
- “Images” includes paintings, drawings, maps, plans, charts, cartoons, prints, photographs and illustrations.
- Can I use images from printed material in PowerPoint presentations?
- Yes, provided you abide by the above rules.
- If you want to reproduce diagrams or charts et al from printed material (books/ journal articles) for something other than teaching or research then you will need to request permission from the copyright owner who may not necessarily be the author of the article.
- Can I use clips from YouTube in my PowerPoint?
- You can play a clip from YouTube in a lecture provided you link to the clip and do not copy it, and that the original clip has been published online by the legitimate copyright owner.
- There is no problem embedding the YouTube widget into the PowerPoint and putting the PPT in Moodle for students to access.
- There is an issue if you copy the clip. For example, if your lecture is recorded you will need to either stop the recording while you play the clip or edit the clip out afterwards.
- Can I use quotes on PowerPoint?
Yes, provided they are acknowledged.
- Can I place the PowerPoint in Moodle?
Yes, provided you have placed a copyright waiver at the beginning of each presentation.
- Do I need to include a Reference List at the end of my presentation?
Maybe. You can either put full bibliographic details on each slide, or you can make a brief reference to the item and then include the main details in a Reference List on the last slide of your presentation.
- Can I use images I have created myself or have been taken from my own published book?
- Yes, but you should include a statement to that effect at the beginning of your PowerPoint
- If they are your own creation it would read like this:
- “Unless otherwise indicated, images [or whatever you are using] included in this lecture were created by [insert your name or name of photographer] ©X College of XXX - AU 2021.”
- If the creation is from your own publication it would read like this:
- “Unless otherwise indicated, photographs [or whatever you are using] included in this lecture have been drawn from [insert citation of your work].”
- Can I use images from a Creative Commons or free site?
Certainly, but you should still acknowledge the source, giving as much information as possible.
- Can I use an image if I don’t know the creator or source?
No. It’s too risky and unethical anyway. If you have inherited a PowerPoint, or created one a long time ago that has not been properly acknowledged you will either need to remove the images, or find replacements.
* Avondale University (accessed 14 Mar 2019)